Dry Grinding Plants
Ball mills are essential elements for developing value added industrial raw materials such as feldspars, quartz, and limestone.
In the ceramics industry, rejects and scrap broken tiles can be reprocessed with a dry grinding plant into fine product that can either be fed back to the mills or can be blunged together with water to become ready for feeding the spray dryer unit.
Separators working together with ball mills in close circuits enable the production of the desired product size. The speed of the separator can be adjusted according to the desired product size, and by this method different product sizes can be obtained from the same plant. All of these processes can be managed from the plants central control panel.
One of the most important criterias for operating dry grinding is that the material must be fed to the ball mill as dry ( less than %1 humidity ). A rotary dryer is used to ensure this criteria. We manufacture rotary dryers according to the process data and your process needs.